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Vendor: Walgrow® International毘濕奴是宇宙的保護神,是印度教的三位一體神之一,由梵天和濕婆組成。他也以 Narayana、Hari 的名字而聞名。在宇宙被創造之前,毘濕奴被認為一直沉睡在浩瀚的虛無之海中。毘濕奴以其被稱為化身的化身而聞名。作為宇宙的保護者,他的化身有責任保護世界免受邪惡勢力的侵害,並維護和平與秩序。毘濕奴轉世九次。第十個化身 Kalki 被認為接近世界末日。 Garuda,神話中的鳥是他的交通工具/vahan。他的配偶是 Lakshmi 或 Sri,財富女神。他們的居所是 Vaikuntha。據說毘濕奴是時間、空間和生命之神。也有人說他是歡樂之神,他的腳步充滿了無限的甜蜜和幸福。 Vishnu Chalisa 朗誦提供安心、繁榮、Sri Vishnu 的祝福和救贖。包括 Vishnu chalisa 和 Arti Om Jai Jagdish Hare。 類型: Shree Vishnu Chalisa 顏色:多色 裝訂:平裝本 頁數: 32 形狀:長方形 印刷語言:印地語版 作者:什錦 發布者:什錦 出版年份:未知 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 13.6 厘米 x...
- From $5.99 USD
$8.99 USD- From $5.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International朋友們,今天我們為您帶來印地語 Purnima Vrat Katha / Purnima Vrat Katha。從精神的角度來看,這一天被認為是非常吉祥的。女神 Mahalakshmi 在這一天受到崇拜。人們相信,在這一天崇拜拉克希米女神會給家裡帶來財富和食物。據說在這一天的月光下吃kheer可以帶來健康。人們相信花蜜會從天而降。許多人認為這一天齋戒很重要。 類型: Pooranmashi Vrat Katha 顏色:多色 裝訂:平裝本 頁數: 25 形狀:長方形 印刷語言:印地語版 作者:什錦 發布者:什錦 出版年份:未知 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 21.3 厘米 x 13.6 厘米 x 0.3 厘米 商品重量:每件 28 克 淨數量: 1片、10片、11片、21片 原產國:印度
- From $5.99 USD
$8.99 USD- From $5.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalPradosh Vrat 與 Lord Shiva 以及 Chandradev 有關。人們相信 Chandradev 是第一個觀察到 Pradosh 禁食的人。據信,由於詛咒,Chandra Dev 患上了肺結核。然後他開始在每個月到來的 Trayodashi Tithi 上觀察 Pradosh 齋戒獻給濕婆神,Chandradev 從此擺脫了肺結核。 在 Pradosh Vrat,崇拜 Shiva Sang Shakti 即 Mata Parvati,他消除了求道者生活中的所有障礙並祝福他。 Pradosh Vrat 的重要性和崇拜隨著時間的推移而變化。人們觀察到 Pradosh Vrat 取悅濕婆神。與 Ekadashi 禁食一樣,這種禁食也被認為具有特殊意義。每個月的 Trayodashi Tithi 都會遵守這種齋戒。據 Panchang 稱,Baishakh 月的 Shukla...
- From $5.99 USD
$8.99 USD- From $5.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalPravekam is a vajikarak and a rasayana or rejuvenating ayurvedic formulation. It is an aphrodisiac and a rejuvenating medicine that increases the activity of all sensory and motor organs, thereby improving vigor and vitality. Pravekam provides nourishment to the body and improves potency in...
- $19.99 USD
$25.99 USD- $19.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International用這款古董設計金屬燈籠用優雅的傳統家居裝飾裝飾您的房間。這款燈籠採用複古風格底座,整個底座均採用穿孔板雕刻而成。這款燈籠採用鐵質材料製成,具有薄而耐用的手柄,可以輕鬆地將它從一個地方帶到另一個地方。 類型:茶燭台 顏色:黑色 材質:玻璃 形狀:圓形 飾麵類型:彩繪 主題:佛 安裝類型:桌面 品牌:沃爾格羅 製造商: WALGROW INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 12.7 x 12.7 x 17.8 厘米 商品重量: 160 克 淨數量: 1 件 原產地:印度
- $25.99 USD
$29.68 USD- $25.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalYou want to elevate the look of your desk? Custom Mouse pads for laptop or desktops are a great way to reflect your personality and add a bit of branding to your workspace. Add your memorable photo with our full-color printing, your photos will...
- $15.99 USD
$21.00 USD- $15.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalYou want to elevate the look of your desk? Custom Mouse pads for laptop or desktops are a great way to reflect your personality and add a bit of branding to your workspace. Add your memorable photo with our full-color printing, your photos will...
- $15.99 USD
$20.79 USD- $15.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalEmbrace positivity and good health in your surroundings with organic sambrani cups handmade by recycling sacred flowers collected from temples. Experience the divine aroma of rose and marigold flowers along with ayurvedic herbs like guggal, loban, and jatamassi that kill infections, viruses and negativity...
- From $8.99 USD
$12.99 USD- From $8.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International根據 maharishi vedvyas,恒河水俱有抵禦 kaliyuga 的所有邪惡的力量。因此,它應該用於所有的宗教儀式和儀式。當存放在銅器或卡拉什中時,它會在周圍產生神聖的振動,驅走所有的邪惡和不祥之兆。它不僅有助於實現物質繁榮,而且有助於精神成長。讓 gangajal 隨身攜帶 - 在家裡、辦公室、寺廟甚至在車裡。聖水會在周圍產生積極的振動,並消除邪惡或不祥之兆。這些神聖的振動產生,有助於淨化您的身體、思想和靈魂。 Gangajal 以幫助實現精神救贖、內心幸福和智慧而聞名。 類型:聖水 顏色:透明 風格:傳統 保質期:不會過期 品牌:沃爾格羅 製造商: WALGROW INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 10.7 厘米 x 4.5 厘米 x 4.5 厘米 物品容量: 100ml 商品重量: 260 克 淨數量: 1 件 原產地:印度
- $10.49 USD
$20.56 USD- $10.49 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalWe working with beast charcoal masters, we developed an exclusive blend of three hardwoods so legendary for their density they are called 'Axebreakers & Khanjar Coal' by locals. This dense wood is then painstakingly roasted in traditional outdoor ovens to create the India's largest...
- From $14.99 USD
$20.79 USD- From $14.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalQuick and easy to use, pocket stamps are the perfect on-the-go solution to authenticate documents, receipts, addresses and more. Suited for entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers, and professionals, at Walgrow, you can choose your wording via ask seller a question.Pocket stamps by Walgrow are economical...
- $15.99 USD
$25.49 USD- $15.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International眾所周知,讀書是一門藝術,讀書可以開闊胸懷,提升人的品格。但並不是每個人都知道學習什麼以及如何學習。這就是為什麼我們用簡單易懂的語言準備這本書,同時牢記您的好惡。 類型: Shri Ramcharitmanas Ramayan 顏色:什錦 裝訂:平裝本 頁數: 536 形狀:長方形 印刷語言:印地語版 作者:什錦 發布者:什錦 出版年份:未知 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 20 厘米 x 14 厘米 x 4 厘米 商品重量: 530 克 淨數量: 1 件 原產國:印度
- $24.49 USD
$28.99 USD- $24.49 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalArt and music were blended with Indian culture since it was originated. India has rich and powerful cultural value. Its heritage is un comparable. Rangoli is one of the richest Indian arts. Every Indian, especially women should know and how to present creatively the...
- From $8.99 USD
$15.98 USD- From $8.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMarigold Flowers, You Need To Make Very Little Effort To Maintain The Beauty Of These Lovely Marigold Flowers, It Just Needs To Be Washed When It Gets A Bit Dusty. Our Artificial Marigold Flowers Are Washable And Can Be Soft Washed Multiple Times And...
- From $31.99 USD
$42.89 USD- From $31.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International100% Cotton/silk Dark Black Kala Cotton/silk Nazar Dhaga 5, 10, 25 Meters Religious Black Thread - Kala Dhaga - 100% Cotton/silk Moltadu Najar Surksha for Boys, Girls, and Unisex. Fine pure Cotton/silk nazar dhaga Once knotted will remain intact on babys hands It will...
- From $6.99 USD
$11.99 USD- From $6.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMulti-functional gloves combine the gloves and sponge, silicone gloves, ideal for bathroom/kitchen cleaning, pet hair massage, car washing and cleaning, bedding and so on combine the gloves and cleaning scrubber for easy & perfect cleaning! Magic silicone dish washing gloves is a double-functional gloves...
- $14.99 USD
$20.99 USD- $14.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMulti-functional gloves combine the gloves and sponge, silicone gloves, ideal for bathroom/kitchen cleaning, pet hair massage, car washing and cleaning, bedding and so on combine the gloves and cleaning scrubber for easy & perfect cleaning! Magic silicone dish washing gloves is a double-functional gloves...
- $14.99 USD
$20.99 USD- $14.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMulti-functional gloves combine the gloves and sponge, silicone gloves, ideal for bathroom/kitchen cleaning, pet hair massage, car washing and cleaning, bedding and so on combine the gloves and cleaning scrubber for easy & perfect cleaning! Magic silicone dish washing gloves is a double-functional gloves...
- $14.99 USD
$20.99 USD- $14.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMulti-functional gloves combine the gloves and sponge, silicone gloves, ideal for bathroom/kitchen cleaning, pet hair massage, car washing and cleaning, bedding and so on combine the gloves and cleaning scrubber for easy & perfect cleaning! Magic silicone dish washing gloves is a double-functional gloves...
- $11.30 USD
$16.95 USD- $11.30 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMulti-functional gloves combine the gloves and sponge, silicone gloves, ideal for bathroom/kitchen cleaning, pet hair massage, car washing and cleaning, bedding and so on combine the gloves and cleaning scrubber for easy & perfect cleaning! Magic silicone dish washing gloves is a double-functional gloves...
- $14.99 USD
$20.99 USD- $14.99 USD
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