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Vendor: Walgrow® International使用我們的 Terracotta Diya 燈組為您的整個家庭提供照明。這種傳統設計由赤陶製成。點亮您的入口,邀請女神 Lakshmi 在這個屠妖節中為您的生活帶來祝福。 Diya、Diyo、Deya、Divaa、Deepa、Deepam、Deep、Deepak 或 Saki(阿薩姆語)是一種用兵馬俑製成的油燈,棉芯蘸有酥油。 Diyas 原產於印度次大陸,在印度教、錫克教、佛教和耆那教的祈禱以及包括排燈節在內的宗教儀式、慶典和節日中佔有神聖的地位。 Terracotta diyas 在祈禱、儀式和儀式期間象徵性地點燃;它們是家庭和寺廟中的永久固定裝置。 diya 發出的溫暖、明亮的光芒被認為是吉祥的——它代表著開悟、繁榮、知識和智慧。 Diyas 代表光明戰勝黑暗、善良戰勝邪惡,最顯著的例子就是排燈節那天。正如印度教史詩《羅摩衍那》中所講述的那樣,每年都會慶祝排燈節,以慶祝善戰勝惡。排燈節標誌著拉瑪勳爵、女神西塔和拉克什瑪娜在流亡 14 年後回到阿約提亞的家鄉,遠離家鄉戰鬥和剷除邪惡。為了歡迎主羅摩、悉塔女神和拉克什瑪娜回家,阿約提亞的市民用 diyas 點亮了街道。 類型:油燈 顏色:自然色 材質:陶土/粘土 形狀:橢圓形 飾麵類型:自然 品牌:沃爾格羅 製造商: WALGROW INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 4.5 厘米 x 4.5 厘米 x...
- From $9.99 USD
$14.29 USD- From $9.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International使用我們的 Terracotta Diya 燈組為您的整個家庭提供照明。這種傳統設計由赤陶製成。點亮您的入口,邀請女神 Lakshmi 在這個屠妖節中為您的生活帶來祝福。 Diya、Diyo、Deya、Divaa、Deepa、Deepam、Deep、Deepak 或 Saki(阿薩姆語)是一種用兵馬俑製成的油燈,棉芯蘸有酥油。 Diyas 原產於印度次大陸,它們在印度教、錫克教、佛教和耆那教的祈禱以及包括排燈節在內的宗教儀式、慶典和節日中佔有神聖的地位。 Terracotta diyas 在祈禱、儀式和典禮期間象徵性地點燃;它們是家庭和寺廟中的永久固定裝置。 diya 發出的溫暖、明亮的光芒被認為是吉祥的——它代表著開悟、繁榮、知識和智慧。 Diyas 代表光明戰勝黑暗、善良戰勝邪惡,最顯著的例子就是排燈節那天。正如印度教史詩《羅摩衍那》中所講述的那樣,每年都會慶祝排燈節,以慶祝善戰勝惡。排燈節標誌著拉瑪勳爵、女神西塔和拉克什瑪娜在流亡 14 年後回到阿約提亞的家鄉,遠離家鄉戰鬥和剷除邪惡。為了歡迎主羅摩、悉塔女神和拉克什瑪娜回家,阿約提亞的市民用 diyas 點亮了街道。 類型:油燈 顏色:自然色 材質:陶土/粘土 形狀:橢圓形 飾麵類型:自然 品牌:沃爾格羅 製造商: WALGROW INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 4.5 厘米 x 4.5 厘米 x...
- From $9.99 USD
$11.98 USD- From $9.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalCenforce 枸櫞酸西地那非 200mg藥物可被視為 100% 的偉哥替代品。因此,藥物不僅能夠治療勃起障礙,即使在最嚴重的情況下,也能保證令人滿意的性生活,從而過上更好的生活。得益於Cenforce 枸櫞酸西地那非 200 毫克,勃起功能強大且持久。事實上,這種藥物的作用是作為血管擴張劑增加體內的血流量,從攝入後可持續長達 4-6 小時。 類型:性慾增強劑 顏色:錨 一個標籤容量: 200mg 效果開始: 30-60 分鐘 效果持續時間: 4-6 小時 容器類型:小袋 最長保質期: 3 年(包裝日期) 物品尺寸 LxWxH:標準 商品重量: 9 克、16 克、23 克和 45 克 淨數量: 1 條(10 片)、2 條(20 片)、3 條(30 片)和 5 條(50 片)...
- $13.19 USD
$21.29 USD- $13.19 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalGiloy, also known as Amrita or Guduchi in Hindi, is an herb that helps improve digestion and boost immunity. It has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. All parts of the plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine. However, the stem is thought to have...
- From $5.99 USD
$11.18 USD- From $5.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalNavaratri 是一個跨越九個晚上的印度教節日,每年秋天都會慶祝。由於不同的原因,它在印度文化領域的不同部分得到了不同的慶祝。理論上,有四個季節性的 Navaratri。這個節日是在印度歷月 Ashvin 的明亮的一半慶祝的,通常是在公曆九月和十月。 類型: Shree Druga Navaratri Vrat Katha 顏色:多色 裝訂:平裝本 頁數: 24 形狀:長方形 印刷語言:印地語版 作者:什錦 發布者:什錦 出版年份:未知 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 21.3 厘米 x 13.6 厘米 x 0.3 厘米 商品重量:每件 42 克 淨數量: 1片、10片、11片、21片 原產國:印度
- From $5.99 USD
$8.99 USD- From $5.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalOur bodies are constantly exposed to toxins from our food, beverages, and the environment; even our own metabolic wastes and unresolved emotions can lead to toxicity. When toxins are not properly digested and eliminated, they accumulate in the body and begin to compromise our...
- From $8.99 USD
$12.99 USD- From $8.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalOur bodies are constantly exposed to toxins from our food, beverages, and the environment; even our own metabolic wastes and unresolved emotions can lead to toxicity. When toxins are not properly digested and eliminated, they accumulate in the body and begin to compromise our...
- From $8.99 USD
$12.99 USD- From $8.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalOur bodies are constantly exposed to toxins from our food, beverages, and the environment; even our own metabolic wastes and unresolved emotions can lead to toxicity. When toxins are not properly digested and eliminated, they accumulate in the body and begin to compromise our...
- From $8.99 USD
$12.99 USD- From $8.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalOur bodies are constantly exposed to toxins from our food, beverages, and the environment; even our own metabolic wastes and unresolved emotions can lead to toxicity. When toxins are not properly digested and eliminated, they accumulate in the body and begin to compromise our...
- From $8.99 USD
$12.99 USD- From $8.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalMarigold Flowers, You Need To Make Very Little Effort To Maintain The Beauty Of These Lovely Marigold Flowers, It Just Needs To Be Washed When It Gets A Bit Dusty. Our Artificial Marigold Flowers Are Washable And Can Be Soft Washed Multiple Times And...
- From $31.99 USD
$42.89 USD- From $31.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® International這些燭台可用作燭台/燭台,甚至可以用於餐廳和大廳的裝飾目的和派對等。它也可以用作獨特的禮物,該產品最好的和令人驚奇的是它每當在裡面燃燒茶燈時,它就會像鑽石一樣閃耀。由玻璃製成的茶燈架和漂亮的馬賽克手工罩蓋,有助於以迷人的方式更長時間地點燃蠟燭。用這款茶燭架點亮您生活空間的氛圍。這款小蠟燭架將為您的家增添魅力。 用途:這些非常適合為任何房間的裝飾增添裝飾感。完美的咖啡桌或壁爐中心裝飾品。 這些圓形燭台將為您帶來特別的光芒!適用於任何標準蠟燭。家庭、壁爐、婚禮、水療、靈氣、香薰、派對的理想禮物 現代藝術。 提示:在許願燭台中加入半茶匙水可以在許願蠟燭燒盡並冷卻後輕鬆去除任何殘留的蠟。 類型:茶燭台 顏色:綠色、多色、粉色和黃色 材質:玻璃 形狀:圓形 飾麵類型:彩繪 主題:珠飾 安裝類型:桌面 品牌:沃爾格羅 製造商: WALGROW INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 物品尺寸長 x 寬 x 高: 7 厘米 x 10 厘米 x 10 厘米 商品重量: 200 克 淨數量: 2 件 原產地:印度
- $35.99 USD
$39.59 USD- $35.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalPaneer Doda/Dodi 湯劑可用於治療哮喘。 Paneer Dodi 有助於淨化血液中的有害毒素。外用 Paneer Doda 糊劑有助於傷口癒合過程。 Paneer Doda 的抗菌特性有利於對抗霍亂弧菌。 Paneer doda 不僅利用血糖,還修復胰腺的 Beta 細胞,為我們的身體提供適量的胰島素。 該草藥可降低血糖並改善葡萄糖利用和碳水化合物代謝,還可最大限度地減少高血糖的並發症。 它對控制升高的糖尿病水平極為有益。 Paneer doda 賦予患者幸福感,並促進症狀緩解,如虛弱、頭暈、腿部疼痛、身體疼痛、多尿和瘙癢。 服用本產品前請諮詢醫生。如果您正在服用處方藥,請當心,因為它會立即產生效果,您的血糖可能會下降。因此,定期測試您的血糖水平並根據您的醫生建議調整藥物劑量。 類型: Paneer Doda/Dodi 顏色:自然色 活性成分:改善葡萄糖利用、碳水化合物代謝和高血糖並發症 品牌:沃爾格羅 製造商: WALGROW INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 物品尺寸 LxWxH:標準 物品重量: 100g、200g、300g、400g、500g 和 1Kg 部門:男女皆宜 原產地:印度
- From $12.99 USD
$22.89 USD- From $12.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalStart off your mornings on the right note with high-quality personalized mugs. With our full-color printing, you can design your own coffee mug and add a special message, fun picture or both. Include a special photo and delight your loved one with a heart-warming...
- From $15.99 USD
$25.49 USD- From $15.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalPersonalize your gifts with this custom wrapping paper. Great way to showcase your brand, add personal touch to your gifting.Please Note: Send your wording via ask seller a question. Your messages will then be engraved centrally unless otherwise requested. Product Information Type: Custom Wrapping...
- $52.99 USD
$86.38 USD- $52.99 USD
- Unit price
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalPersonalise and protect your laptop at the same time with this premium quality laptop skin. Fully customisable, easy to install and easy to remove without any residual. Showcase your brand and logo, or have your favourite picture on your laptop.Please Note: Send your wording...
- $19.99 USD
$31.49 USD- $19.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalPersonalise and protect your laptop at the same time with this premium quality laptop skin. Fully customisable, easy to install and easy to remove without any residual. Showcase your brand and logo, or have your favourite picture on your laptop.Please Note: Send your wording...
- $19.99 USD
$31.49 USD- $19.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalSave time during your busy day with custom stamps from walgrow. Our design process makes it easy to create the exact business message you want. Whether you’re paying bills, signing contracts or marking invoices, there’s a personalized rubber stamp, available in round or rectangle...
- From $16.99 USD
$26.99 USD- From $16.99 USD
- Unit price
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalSave time during your busy day with custom stamps from Walgrow. Our design process makes it easy to create the exact business message you want. Whether you’re paying bills, signing contracts or marking invoices, there’s a personalized rubber stamp, available in round or rectangle...
- From $16.99 USD
$26.99 USD- From $16.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalSave time during your busy day with custom stamps from walgrow. Our design process makes it easy to create the exact business message you want. Whether you’re paying bills, signing contracts or marking invoices, there’s a personalized rubber stamp, available in round or rectangle...
- From $16.99 USD
$26.99 USD- From $16.99 USD
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Vendor: Walgrow® InternationalWearing a face mask is one step we can all take to help protect other people in addition to the continued social distancing, self-quarantining at home and proper hygiene measures. You can customize these masks with your name, logo or message of community support....
- From $16.99 USD
$26.99 USD- From $16.99 USD
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